Tuesday, May 7, 2013

talking in the morning

I'm interested in that moment in the morning when I come downstairs for breakfast, and someone starts talking to me, and I'm not really ready for talking yet.

I'm not sure what happens to me in that moment.

I feel annoyed and I feel like my morning is invaded.

I want Quiet as I open my day.

I feel dismayed that the person who talks doesn't 'get' this. 

Depending on what is said, what energy it is said with, how long the talking takes, how awake I am, how hungry I am, how available I am, I feel more or less annoyed.  Sometimes I'm not annoyed at all.

When I am annoyed, my reaction is to give curt responses/physically turn away/physically leave the space.  Sometimes I'll 'suffer through' the talking, and this is not something I want to be doing, because if I suffer through, then I breed resentment towards the talking person for 'making me' suffer through, and then I have resentment instead of closeness.  I think I try to communicate non-verbally that I don't want talking right now, but this feels pretty ineffective sometimes, and it is not all that satisfying.  I think, also, it might be hurtful and make the other person feel unwanted without them knowing why.  I find it enormously difficult to communicate verbally about my annoyances.

I suppose that's why I'm blogging, though I'm not sure how appropriate this is either.

.........There it is.

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